Jordan had his official 2 month check-up on Friday. He weighed in at 14lb 11oz. 25" long. That puts him at the 97th percentile. Steph wondered if this is a sign of him being a tall/bigger kid. Well, if that's the case he'll be 6'8" 330lbs (so I don't think so). I guess all it means is that we have a healthy baby. Everyday, we see more faces and hear more sounds. Every day gets more and more exciting. I know in 2 years I will wish he was 2 months, but you can just tell me to go back and read my own blog.
Everything looked and sounded normal. He got his first round of vaccinations. The nursing assistant did a good job and gave him his three shots really quick. I think that Jordan did a good job, better than I expected. Steph was mildly heart-broken that he had to go through that. I have been telling her that he'll have to get used to us making him cry and hating us.
He did a lot of sleeping the rest of the day. When he wasn't he was pretty cranky. I'm sure a result of the shots. Steph said there was of talk the shots at her work the other day. I guess Jenny McCarthy, ya know the Playboy model and host of MTV's dating show "Singled Out", goes on Oprah and the provides her medical knowledge about autism, and the world goes along. To meet, it all comes down to my friend Kyle, a top pharmacist for Fairview who has actually read all of the research, saying that you should get every vaccine they offer was enough for me.
we could use a picture or two or three on here....
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