Well, life is a little bit different from last week. The amazingness of the journey that has led to Jordan's life is overwhelming. Occasionally, I catch a glance of the enormity of what I am involved in: the formation of a life. Having taught and coached and mentored most of my life, it is surreal to think that now I, and Steph, will have the greatest impact on who he becomes.
The sounds and faces that Jordan makes help remind me of the fragility and beauty of life. They make you stop and appreciate the little things. Communication is shared through touch and instinct, rather than words. Looking for the cues in his sounds reminds me to pay attention to the cues that happen in my everyday interactions.
There is beauty in everything. In his face. Which is ever-changing and so expressive. He gets more beautiful every day. In his soiled diapers. It is the beauty of doing something for someone that they cannot do on their own, but desperately need done. In breastfeeding. Knowing that God created woman to experience the miracle of birth, and then created her body to provide everything that he needs. In sleep. Not only his but our own. Sleep a necessity and a privilege. A reward for a job well done.
I must remember to slow myself in the quiet moments and remember that this is all a gift from God. Not something that I have earned, but an continually giving expression of his grace. I must remember to always thank God for all of his blessings.
Thought of the moment: Thankful.
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